I have Expensive taste. like ...REALLY REALLY expensive taste. I don't know why ...well ya I do she starts with an Eve and ends with a Mom.
Let me break it down for you...
If you were to put two brands of toilette paper in front of me and cover the price I would 9 out of 10 times pick the more expensive of the two...and it just wipes your butt.
I have always been this way...if twinkles, sparkles, looks pretty, smells good, sings, dance and smiles. I'm sold.
Mommyhood has definatley taught me how to bring it down a couple of notches you can be thrifty and savvy while still maintaining fabulous looks the home and family. Now there are some things I just cant skim on...like purses , cars, makeup, and electronic stuff (for the hubby) , ohhhhh oooohhh and vacations. But everything else is doable...and I have to say, I am p.r.e.t.t.y. good on finding almost anything for a ridiculously crazy price.
These are a few of my FAVORITE guilt free places:
TJ Maxx
Tuesday Morning
Big Lots (gives my bff the hee-bee-gee-bees)
Wal Mart (don't judge)
I would love ...Flea Markets (if SD ever had any good ones)