I. Think. I. Have. Become. My. Mother.
Growing up my fabulous, gorgeous, strong, stubborn, selfless, mommy has kept the picture perfect home. At any given time Better Homes and Garden could pop in, snap a pic and it could be featured. Her stylish taste is EXTREMELY IMMACULATE.
Now as a child I had to clean my room, vacuum, do the dishes and dust and believe me if you thought that was a lot, it came with standards. My mother's standards. Which are (still) P-R-E-T-T-Y high!!! I vowed I would never be like that. NEVER.
Booooooyyyyyy wassss I WRONG! This morning I found my self cleaning the baseboards, scrubbing the grout and spray painting the vents! Yes, you read correctly SPAY.PAINTING.THE.VENTS. All before 9:00am and then it hit me... like a bad outfit.
I have become my mother.
As I looked down at my bleached hands, my tosseled fro, and my 3 year old who was CLEANING with me, I realized I had the "Clean Gene" and it's apparently hereditary.
My home is no where near the perfection of my mother's modern lines and upper Eastside apartment influence. But I do LOVE my warm cozy cottage meets modern classic, a little mish mashy...I like it...it's my style inviting and livable. But keeping up this 4 bedroom 2 story abode is NO easy feat. Luckily I have been trained by the best...hopefully one day Better Homes and Garden will be knocking at my door. Until then...I'll find a healthy balance between psycho cleaning and acceptable mess!

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