Dear Diary,
I have a deep dark! Ugh! I do however L-O-V-E the whole experience of me and the Hubby taking the little guy to Bates Nut Farm...ahhhhh theres nothing like true family fun when you have kids, especially when you have one as "adorable" as ours. Filled with junk food that can put you into a coma, hay rides, petting zoo, the sugar shop, corn mazes and ohhh did I mention the food. Yup. Thats right. Bliss....
When its almost 90 degrees out, your child HAS NOT taken his afternoon nap, your dressed entirely WAY to warm and sweat is starting to form in unsual places (ya'll know what I talking about) you then slowly come to, and see this place for what it is.
A S-c-r-e-a-m-i-n-g wonderland filled with both children and parents on the verge of a mental breakdown, smelly stinky animals- everywhere and ALL people that God forgot- eating God knows what. We decided very early on to get the F out of that place.
Soooo we grab our pumpkins as quickly as possible, which is not fast when your dealing with a 31/2 yr that has his own agenda!!! And bailed.
I will have to say that our selection was not to shabby!
That was until I got a hold of my pumpkin ( the crooked one on the right, ugh I should have known). Now folks I pride my self on being pretty resourceful and creative, but on this night.
I was neither.
I turned that(above) in to this...
I was soooooo pissed, that I took off to the nearest PP and started all over.
I was on my merry way when this happened...
The night goes on and we ( The husband, the child and my sissy ) are working so intensely, so diligently on our pumpkins, as if we were on and episode of Pumpkin Masters.
We finally finish close to 11pm...and I will have to say.....Not to shabby people...Not to shabby at all!
And if your interested my sissy is starting her own line of NCAA Pumpkins...send me a line if your interested ;)
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