Out With The Old And In With The New!Although resolutions are well intended... I like to think of mine, more as goals. That way if for some reason I can't keep them...I can always roll them over into next year!! Here are a few things I hope to achieve in 2010 (*I"m keeping my fingers crossed*)
We will be welcoming a new little addition to our familia, my niece Emilie Rae...we cant wait to get our frilly on!

For the last 3 years I have spent my time as a returning student...and finally in May I will be doing this...

And even though I have achieved a milestone at 30...I feel like this...

I plan to run a 5k...(which isn't to bad, 3 miles definitely doable!)

Eating healthier...

Perfect my "Cheffer" skills, as my darling 3 yr old would say...

Travel as much as possible with the people I love....

To places like....Mammoth, Califorina in the winter...for snowboarding (a hobby for the hubby) and shopping (a pass time for the mommy)

In the summer...a little R&R on the island of Puerto Rico were
mi gente are from...

In the Fall or winter...maybe a trip to either The Big Apple or Miami....

All the while saving for this...Prauge, The Czech Republic where my husband's
gente are from

This will be the year I'll let my creative juices flow...

...I plan to read more books...refinish some furniture...and make little knick knacks here and there...
And because the Little Guy is at such a funtabulous age...museum and plays at Balboa Park will be a monthly treat...starting with You're A Good Man Charlie Brown on January 10th!

This will be the year where I WILL.NOT.SWEAT.THE.SMALL.STUFF ( I say that every year, hence the rollover option)....so whiny AND annoying people need not apply!
Tataa...2009 It was fun while it lasted.

Hola 2010!

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