These people are everywhere...maybe in your private life...workplace...the parking lot at Costco...the line at Starbucks.... the M.A.C. counter at Nordstroms .
In the past few weeks I have encountered some p-r-e-t-t-y miserable people. Most of which I see day to day at my work, not to mention in my personal life as well.
I work in the food hospitality industry- I'm otherwise known as a waitress. This by no means is a glamorous job, but it sure as hell is an enlightening one. People, in general, can be sooooo unpleasant, soooo misereable, and sooooo motherfuckingfuckfuck a displeasure to be around. And yes I realize I can quit at any moment, but even if I do...these people are still out there.
My absolute pet peeve in life are INCONSIDERATE RUDE ASS people....
People who do not look at you wen you speak. Really. I mean REALLY. That is the most human form of communication-engaging with someone by looking them in the eyes, for God sake dogs do it.
People who do not acknowledge your presence when you're standing near. Gotta Love these fucktards.
People who have the cara fuce face- thats the- my upper lip smells like shit look on their face. Hey. People quick update...people are watching and laughing at your visibly contorted face.
People who SWEAR their shit doesn't stink. OOOOOOHHHHH I love me some of these fucktards-------- FYI-Your shit probably smells worst than everyone else.
People who don't teach their children etiquette and manners. OMIGOD my absolute biggest pet peeve ever!! The snotty, little cara fuce faced, rude,ungrateful,self serving,bratty,shitty attitude, wild feral spawn of these miserable people!
People who think you're a fucking idiot because you bring them their food. Hey news flash dumb fucks, most of us are college graduates who make more than your ungrateful ass do hourly-
People who are antisocial in general. Lets not confuse this one with "shy". These people are so socially awkward I almost feel sorry for them-then I slap my self in the face with my Louis Vuitton and remind myself , that being an asshole is a choice.
How hard is it to smile? Statistics have shown that smiling will 90% of the time get you what you want in a persuasive situation. I mean really. How hard is to to be a considerate human being?
Some people say that it takes 47 muscles to frown and only 17 to smile! I mean really you lazy assholes (not you) even nature makes it easy for you! UGH!
The key is to not succumb to this incredibly miserable way of existing through life...the power of a smile coupled with basic human communication skills goes a llllllloooooooonnnnngggg way!
Smiling is so easy a monkey can do it!

How about you tell us how you really feel?
ReplyDeleteOh and slap yourself with your new Tory Burch instead, it probably won't hurt as much!!
Bad week at the office???