Terrible 2's ...Terrible3's....and PLEASE PLEASE NO 4's
For the sake of my sanity....(and for the sake of my already thinning hair)
I hope and pray that my darling 3 year old chills the F back!
I wish spanking ( despite the stink eye I get from my parents) worked. I wish yelling like a crazed women worked. I wish Nanny 911 worked. I wish I wish I wish.
The last couple of weeks he has been a complete terror at home and in school! And now I find myself standing in the corner on time out. Of course with a glass of wine in hand. What baffles me most and what I cant seem to wrap my head around is how he listens to his papa....errrrr....! Must be the man voice...I gotta get me one of those.
Nonetheless, its back to the drawing board.
I NEED to step my game up and stop melting every time he smiles and says "but I wub you mama...your sooo beeeeaaaauuuuuttttiifuuulll"- all with a twinkle in his eye.
So everyone (my 2 followers and 1 reader *wink*) when "they" say" watch out for terrible 3's"
"they" were serious.

I feel your pain mama! Macy is almost 10 and she can still bat her eyelashes at me and get away with WAY too much! Hope your week is getting better by the second! xoxo