I have always had an unhealthy obsession with vampires. It all started back in 1986 with the Lost Boys then in 1992 with Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula...there was just something dark and wonderful about them!
Plus they always seems to cast the most delish fangers!
It was down hill from then on:
ALL of Anne Rice's novel's including the movie Interview with a Vampire ( *cough* cough* yummy Brad Pit and a ever so yummy pre -creepo Tom Cruise)
Then there was Buffy the Vampire Slayer, with Kristy Swanson...I wanted every outfit she had!
And then of course back when there was the WB...Buffy the Vampire Slayer with my idol Sarah Michelle Geller. Now, if you don't already think I have a few screws loose....I had the biggest girl crush on SMG. She rocked. I had even more of a crush on her hunky co-star David Boreanaz...ummmm dreamy...
then he got his own series ANGEL...dreamier!
On to more Hollywood...
Blade the trilogy...love me some Ryan Reynolds!
Underworld 1..2..and 3....love me some Kate Beckinsale.
And then it stopped. There was a lull of emptiness after that. No more Vamps. No more hotness. Just darkness.
My sister took me to see Twilight.
Now. I have to admit . I gave her a lot of shit about it, I teased her for reading something you could find in the young adults section at Borders.
But after I saw Twilight...ahhhh....I have no words....it brought me back to my high school years...that longing for the perfect, mysterious, and unattainable dead guy to fall in love with. The one who'd be SO in LOVE with you ....he'd just throw himself in front of a 200 yrs old vampire to save you....now thats love, right?
And that was all it took. I read the entire Stephanie Meyer collection in 4days...then I stumbled across her online manuscript of Midnight Sun shortly after. P.E.R.F.E.C.T.I.O.N.
Then it started all over again...and so did the Husbands eye rolls.
Tru Blood....sexy
Vampire Diaries..........SEXIER! I heart Stephan!
And now tonight I'll eagerly wait in line with 900 screaming 15 yr old girls who SO wish they were Bella (and some 30yrs old too *wink*) and 17yr old guys who SWEAR their Edward or Jacob!
Nonetheless...there is NO shame in my game...I'm a Twihard Twimom!....and thanks to my darling husband who indulges my every whim, I'll get see my Eddie again!
I know it will be ULTRA cheesy and ULTRA good!
You will love it!! I promise! I pinky promise! Oh my gosh, it brings out the high school in me!! I saw it today and talked about it for about 45 minutes afterward :) xoxo