Thank you God for all the wonderful blessings....(it's a long one)
I was sitting in my office this morning wishing I had the balls to go to Starbucks in my robe and Uggs in 47 degree weather...then I realized I was too chicken shit and opted against it. So instead I sat there trying to warm myself up when I stared looking at the cork board on my wall spilling with of photographic memories.
There are sweet photos from my wedding and honeymoon, black and white photos of my parents when they were X's age, a picture of the Husband when he was 2 with his late father, hammering a door. Pictures of my sister's whom love and I adore....My 30th birthday... My beloved doggy Napoleon who brought me so much happiness in a time I needed it most (his absence is still felt)...and our new doggy Poley who has done the same. My son...my glorious child.... A picture of my dad in his Saturday Night Fever days as a photographer in New York....My love....Our best friends...in Kauai...at their wedding...at the races...on her birthday....
All these moments...still here.
Now, I tend to be a very private person and being raised a Catholic I keep my faith just as private. But today I'm feeling warm and tingly (probably from sitting on my hands trying to conserve heat) and a little nostalgic. Today I'm so thankful for everyone in my life...and yes I realize thats sounds SO HALLMARK GENERIC not to mention ultra cheese ball...but it's true.
So today I give thanks to those in my life...
I am THANKFUL for our 3yr old little boy, he brings me so much joy and happiness. He makes me warm just thinking about him. He is our precious little gift from God and reminds me everyday that praying does work.
I am THANKFUL for my adoring husband who loves me, protects me, provides for me, supports me and encourages me. He is honest (brutally) yet gracious and he tries every day to be a better father, husband and person. Lord knows he is not perfect :) but in that... is where I've found perfection.
I am THANKFUL for my sister...who I always believed was my daughter in another life. She is my rock...my backup...my companion...she is more then a best friend... she is strong and fierce...and although she can be a mother freaking pain in the tush...she is unconditional and a part of every memory I have...she will be an AMAZING mother.
I am THANKFUL for my parents...I have no words to describe how BLESSED I am to have these two people love, nurture and care for me. They mean more then words can say...they're selfless and devoted, and nothing is to much to give us...they respect me as a women but will always see me as their little girl....I only hope that Chris and are half as GREAT of parents.
I am THANKFUL my oldest and dearest friend...we met when we I was 6 and she 7...and at the risk of sounding like my father...I will refrain from our long winded history. The next best thing to a sister is one by law! ;)...we can read each other's minds...expressions and silence. She can be bitter and sweet (girl you know it's true ;) ...she is grounded...she is strong...she is freaking HILARIOUS...shes makes me laugh till I pee. She is my girl.
I am THANKFUL for my newest friend and dearest friend (mWm)...we lived 5 houses away from each other growing up and I believe some of the best relationships you have in a lifetime are the ones you make later in life...This girl is strong...witty...incredibly smart...she is non judgmental...and extremely generous...she is deserving of all things goods...she has lived so much life...I hope one day she writes a book, I'd be her biggest fan.
I am THANKFUL to my grandma and uncle...I pray that they are in good health....and happy to see our little family is still united and strong.
I am THANKFUL to my husband's family...because without them I would have never had a brother who talks shit to me in such an affectionate way... another mother and father who would do as much for me as they would do for their own children...and a grandmother who embraces me with so much love.
My life is blessed with amazingly colorful people who fascinate me everyday...
and for all of them I am THANKFUL.
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