I get anxiety when shopping for little girl clothes!!! OOOOOOhhhhh P, if your reading this you are going to DIE laughing!!!
This Saturday I have an iCarly Birthday party to go to for my niece, and if you don't know who that is apparently shes the "new" Hanna Montana.....
I have seriously spent the last TWO days searching and searching for outfits for my darling niece. I've gone into ooooooohhhhh I DON'T KNOW LIKE....900 stores and have walked out with absolutely nada!!!
Shes at the apparently at the "cool" age of 5, where she thinks she's Punky. Now many of us 30 somethings are from the Punky generation, and loved all her hip and fashion forward outfits that made no sense. Although I loved me some Cherry...Margaux was my fav!

This still takes some getting use to... since I have a boy and I do trains, Bumble Bee ,Opitmus Prime ( and I spelled that just for 24, 19, 21 and mWm) and ants!
Sooooo of course being the Fashionista Auntie that I am...I go into a finding frenzy pulling out the following items like a mad woman, I mean Punky can't be that hard...right?
Leggings with lace....Leggings with no lace....black,pink white,blue jackets.....glitter....no glitter.....lepoard velvet ruffly thingy skirts....and bootie shorts (for 5 yr olds!!) logo tee's that say " Girls just wanna have fun" "Peace" and" I love vampires" (which I almost bought for her mommy)....denim with hideous funky stitching and weird belts...shoes with tacky rhinestones and crazy corked heels!!! I mean jeez Louise!!! If only they had Forever 4+1!!!
I left every place feeling scuuuuurrrrrred! I have NO idea what to get my little Kardashian niece!! Her mother tells me the "tackier the better!"
Well I.DON'T.DO.TACKY.Great.
I still have a couple of places I haven't hit yet. And I 'm determined to find something!
Apparently the good ol' days of going into Gymberee for 2t-5t are LLLLLLLOOOONNNNGGGG gone!
Welcome to the iCarly Generation!
Oh my gosh I love this! I HAVE two girls and I've just hit this spell where I think all boy stuff is cuter. Maybe this is why--- I didn't know a new generation was upon us! It's so complicated--- I wish I could just get a stack of cool tees with a few great pairs of jeans like you do for boys....