I. just. don't. know. how. you. do. it...
( *big eyes* *dramatic voice* *shaking head in disbelief*)
As I've mentioned in a previous post, I spend my Wednesday mornings volunteering in my Sista's Kindergarten classroom. Like most mornings I arrive to find a PLETHORA of "tasks" sweetly awaiting.
Let me just say...she uses me.
She uses me...partly because she can...
mostly because we're family...
but definitely because I'm that G - to the double -O- D...GOOD...(of course I toot my horn now...but the first time I went...I failed my first task. Lets just say- apparently there's a systematic method to hanging paper snowman on window with tape...errr...)
Any whoooo....
Task 993 today was to assess her children in counting (thank god spelling was not involved!!).
This was deeeeeefffffiiiiiinnnnnettttllleeeeyyyy (*slow but yet uncontrollable high pitch voice*) an eye opener. Some of these children can barley speak clearly- let alone count past 20!
I sat there dumbfounded...
She tells me that on the first day of school ,many of them don't even know their own age- I was like " SHUT THE FRONT DOOR THEY'RE 5 !!" Both our children can sing their birthdays, recite addresses, phone numbers, alphabets, numbers, text, identify shapes...report on CNN or tell the local weather- and they're only 3 and 5!
I guess I just assumed that by the age of 5 these were all things kids should know.
Boy was I wrong.
And it was on this task that I appreciated her and ALL teachers ( my mommy being one too) much more today.
Some children aren't privileged.
And when I say privileged I don't mean getting dropped off in an Mercedes G-class rockin' Seven Jeans and a Juicy hoodie.
NO - I mean the basic exposure to the fundamental resources in hopes to encourage and support their educational growth.
We take for granted...how little things like reading to a child for 10-20mins a night, counting to ten, or rewarding their small achievements not only makes learning fun but sets a foundation for future learning!!!
It just so so sad.
OOOOOHHHHH and not to mention the current CRISIS the state of California's educational system is in. With the recent nose dive into the Pacific our schools have suffered- layoffs, cutbacks, budget cuts and furloughs. Forcing our existing over worked and unpaid teachers to pick up MUCH MUCH more of the "slack".
Would you believe in most middle to upper middle class districts schools are turning AWAY volunteers!!! But in districts like my sister's a volunteer once in a LLLLLOOOONNNNGGG while is a life saver. Just a few hours a week gives these teachers the peace of mind to focus on actually teaching their students, instead of being pulled in ....ooohhhh I don't know....like a million different directions- in a freaking 8 hour work day.
However, despite the stressful demands of our crumbling educational system, part of what she loves the most about her job.... is the progress that these little tykes make throughout the school year.
From barely being able to hold a pencil-to writing short sentences.
This makes all the frustration -- irritation---hair loss and that craaaaaaaaaaazy 8 pound weight gain (complements of the cafeteria lady) aaaaaaaaall worth it.
So thank you Mrs. B...for letting me be your slave...because if completing 1 million tasks for you, helps you be the BEST teacher you can be and get you home to my niece and nephew... with out comfort food !!!! Then honey child I'M ALL YOURS (provided I get paid in skinny Vanilla Lattes).
If any of you have teachers as friends or family you would be surprised at how devoting any free time you may have will help these kids so much more than you know :)
I love it! It's in serving others that really makes the difference, you go girrrrrrrl!! :)