Where my girls at !!!
I have to say.
There is nothing better than AMAZING girl friends.
I know this because I have a bunch of cutie pies that I LOVE and adore in my life. And what makes it even more magical- is that we are all married/engaged to a great group of boys :)
Every so many months the "Players Wives" (funny because they are not playa's-although I'm sure they think they are *wink*) get together for dinner...karaoke...wine...family parties... or a valiant unsuccessful attempt ( we still love you Nesha!) to venture Downtown!
One of the best thing about these girls is that they are
sooooo welcoming
soooo inviting
drama free
and a hysterical riot to be around!
You know you've got it good with your girls when you can get all dressed up and still have fun even if you have nowhere to go!
Note* Two of my favorite girlie's were out of commission this evening. One was nursing a earache ;( and the other (sissy) was fixin' to give birth any day and was CERTAINLY not jivin with the idea of wearing tight clothes and 5inch heels! ;D !!
Here are some pics of our non crazzzzy...crazzzzy night!
Ps. For privacy reasons I will be referencing the girls by their hubby's baseball #
Ps. For privacy reasons I will be referencing the girls by their hubby's baseball #
This is my GORGEOUS sissy (bff's who married brothers) in law...
I really just think of her as my sister/partner in crime.
I really just think of her as my sister/partner in crime.
( and you can tell #21 I said that*wink*)
This is #19's wifey to be...shes the cutest thing you'll ever see!
These lovely ladies are married to #16 and #20
they are not only straight comedy to be around, but
both their hubby's are my #24's oldest and dearest friends.

These senoritas are LONG time amigas.
BVHS besties...
Lastly but not least...Mr. Pittman's (2nd from the left) lady is the funniest chic ever
always good times when we're all together!!!
they are not only straight comedy to be around, but
both their hubby's are my #24's oldest and dearest friends.
These senoritas are LONG time amigas.
BVHS besties...
always good times when we're all together!!!
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